Welcome to the News

Here you will find all the Official Fox Miner News!

You might find many kinds of news, but these aren’t some detailed ones, these just highlight the big new burners that Aaron recently worked on! You can find more and better detailed news on the Discord Server "Fox Miner Projects"!

A new Showcase

Showcase 26 is growing each day! - 2nd February 2025

A Story that has been in the works for 3 years, and not just because of laziness, but mainly because of rethinking and reworking the Story. With over 60 Renders making sure that the community will be busy for two months when a render will be posted each day!
Rendered with the old but a bit more stable version Mine-imator 2.0 Pre-release 4.
Started in 2022 with just a random thought. A Story out of complete scratch. We can now present Showcase 26 The Quadruplets Story Showcase (Ongoing)

The Models are arriving?

The Models finally get a chance to see the light! - 3rd September 2024

Aaron has finally decided to release some of his Models, not all and not in their full form, since he does like to keep some to himself, but the models that barely see the light of day finally get a chance to shine! So stay tuned for the Models are soon to drop.
You can see the Progress on the Discord Server.

Finally the Mods!

Pre-releases for Fox Miner Mods are here! - 19th March 2024

Maybe some have already noticed that, after so many delays, they are here, Minecraft Fox Miner edition and Fox Miner Mod for Teardown are here as a pre-release, but to use for everyone, to enjoy some of the projects, Fox Miner has been working on, but just didn't get to finish just yet, so hold on as these will eventually get a full version one day! With then constant Updates!

Fox Miner - Valentine

Love spreading trough the World! - 14th February 2024

Just like any Year, there is a Day for love, where you can tell anyone how you feel about them without feeling so awkward. Well Fox Miner decided to make a little something for this occasion by just changing the Main Page Theme of his Website to something more lovely. This is only Temporally and will leave us sooner then you think.
Happy Valentine!

Busy Fox

Fox Miner has much to do and needs some time! - 3rd October 2023

This is no retirement or anything like that, this is just temporally because Aaron is having some renovating to do at his home and not just that, his career training just got more intense and will need more time for this as well, but occasionally some new projects will pop up, till then stay tuned for anything that might come at anytime!

Synthmatic Green is here!

A new design for all of Fox Miner related Web Pages! - Synthmatic Green - 27th August 2023

Now that the Studios got their new face, it was time to unify Aaron’s content. This style wasn’t even closely planned to be used other then from what it originated from… This style originated from a custom-made Desktop Icon that was used for the Pictures folder which has later also been used for the Fox Miner – Gallery. The style wasn’t even a style at the time until Fox Miner – Mods came down the path of ideas and a new icon had to be made! From the old “Gallery” Icon, Aaron created the “Mods” Icon and from that point the style was created!

The new face of the Studios

To be more recognisable Aaron decided the Studios have to look more unique and more uniformly, so he created the new AF symbol, built from two “F” and makes a “weird” looking “A” - 14th August 2023

The symbol originated on the 8th July from a Watermark that Aaron wanted to use to mark his content with, but it didn’t fit because it didn’t represent the Studios, though the symbol was already there, time and effort was put into it, and it didn’t look that bad as well, so he thought about the Studios, since they could use a change as well since they already were 3 years old and looked to old for Aaron. So instead of making a new Watermark Aaron used this opportunity to make a completely new face for the Studios! Which is now the “AF”